Carnivorous Plants Website
Carnivorous Plants in the Wilderness
by Makoto Honda
Carnivorous Plants Story                          Contents   



 Cobra Plant   GENUS Darlingtonia

Darlingtonia californica

Sparsely populated by pine trees, a mild mountain slope with cold running water offers an ideal habitat for the California pitcher plants.  Oregon.

A cold spring water flows through on a mild mountain slope, creating a wide band of wet surface on a grassy meadow. A dense colony of Darlingtonia forms along the water path, with their cobra heads sprouting out in the thousands. In this Oregon habitat facing southeast, the plants are exposed to full sun all day long. The pitchers in this habitat grow to a large and healthy size of 40-60 cm in height. The sun also causes a good coloration on the pitcher hood.

An afternoon sun produces a surrealistic image of twisting cobra heads glowing in a golden hue. August, in Oregon.  Cobra plant meadow in Oregon.



Late May in Oregon. Darlingtonia blossom. New spring pitchers are seen aong tall flower scapes.





Introduction  Venus Flytrap  Sundews  Pitcher Plants  Cobra Plant  Butterworts  Bladderworts