Carnivorous Plants Website
Carnivorous Plants in the Wilderness
by Makoto Honda


Ellison & Adamec (2018)
Carnivorous Plants



24 - Phylogenetic Tree (APG 2016)
28 - Caryophyllales Tree  (Nepenthales)

27 - Carnivory - not a key innovation
29 - "Active" vs. "Passive" trap - not the lack of physiological activities


29 - Common origin of snap-traps
32 - Drosera/Aldrovanda/Dionaea - Split of snap-trap (46.5 MYA)
32 - Palaeoaldrovand splendens (insect egg)
45 - Snap-trap adaptation - living in an aquatic environment
47 - single evolutionary origin of the snap-trap
48 - Dionaea pollen / Aldrovanda pollen
51 - Drosera pollen (early-branching Subg. Regiae + Subg. Arcturia)
51 - Drosera pollen - operculate
52 - no indumentum, no stipules


37-38  Pinguicula-Genlisea-Utricularia
172 - Common ancestor of Genlisea & Utricularia (?)
172-174 Utricularia trap mechanism
188 - 80% are terrestrial - their trap mechanism largely unknown
190 - Buckling + Spontaneous firing
262 - Utr



369 - Roridula - mutualism